The spate of sexual assault on children in recent times is astounding, to say the least. You can't help but wonder what is wrong with today's world that makes sexual assault on children so rampant. While we may never be able to ascertain the exact cause, we sure can take steps to protect the children in our custody from every such occurrence, bearing in mind that sexual molestation can happen to children of any race, financial status, religion or society.
Although there is no secure approach to shield youngsters from sexual abuse, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of it happening.
In these days of high innovation, globalization and quick paced change, is common courtesy as imperative as it used to be? As kids, the vast majority of us were taught to say "please" and "thank you", to regard our elders and to ask graciously when we needed something.
A fast stroll around a nearby shopping mall will tell you that today, many individuals don't see the quality in or comprehend the idea of basic civility. There is a lot of pushing and pushing, individuals have no reservations about rudely pointing out something that does not suit them, and God help you in the event that you, a more senior individual are searching for a seat in the food court, era Y is not getting up for you!
Does that mean common courtesy is a relic of past times?