Friday, 11 November 2016

What you need to know about potty training

Hey everybody,
Its wonderful to be here again, I sure hope we all had a fruitful week. Today's post is centered around potty training your toddler. This is a difficult but necessary phase all parents have to pass through in raising a child. However, if handled properly, it could be relatively easy and fast too. Below are some tips and points to note while preparing
to potty train your toddler.

Image result for black toddler on a potty

The best time to start

Showing your child how to use the potty will require time and persistence on your part, and some level of collaboration and inspiration from your child.
The first thing to note is that you should begin when your child is intrigued, willing, and physically ready to. While a few children are prepared as early as 18 months, others may not be set to learn until way after their third birthday. Some specialists believe that boys use diapers longer than girls because they are generally more active and have shorter attention span.
Its very important to be sure your child is ready for potty training before you start, as beginning too early may make the whole process longer and more cumbersome for the parent. It is also very important to learn as much as you can about potty training so as to go about it the right way.
Aside from your child's readiness to start potty training, timing is also very key. It is better to begin at a time when the child is settled, as young kids can only handle one big change at a time in their lives. For example, when the child starts a new school, gets a new sibling or just stops breastfeeding, beginning potty training at that time will make it more difficult for the child to grasp and make it frustrating for the parent.

Tips to ease the process

  • Lead by example

Kids learn the most by imitation, so its essential for the parent to model the process for the child, to allay any childish fears the child might have(like falling into the toilet). Also, you should call the body parts by the correct names,helping the child understand that the topic is not one to shy away from or be embarrassed about.

  • Buy the correct equipment

In potty training your child, it is very important to get a colorful, comfortable potty to pique the interest of the child.

Image result for black toddler on a potty

  • Help the child get comfortable with the potty

This, you can do by letting him/her sit on the potty with clothes a few times, to help them have a feel of ownership, then try to sit them on it with their pants off. If the child resists, try not to pressure the child. Instead, you can demonstrate by sitting the child's favorite doll or stuffed animal on the potty, leading the child to imitate the process.

  • Inspire them with nice underwear

This motivates the child to wear underwear instead of diapers, thereby learning with time, not to mess up the underwear.

  • Plan a training schedule

If your child goes to a creche or preschool, you have to coordinate your efforts with his caregivers at the school,so the training is a continuous process and the child is not confused. You may start by teaching him to use the potty during the day,while using diapers at night, then add nights when the child has gotten the hang of using the potty frequently and adequately.

  • Celebrate his successes

Whenever the child uses the potty successfully, it is important for the parent to praise the child and make a big deal of it, helping to encourage the child to do even better next time.

If your child has near misses, please do not beat the child, so he/she doesn't associate potty training with pain. It is important to talk to the child, teach him/her how to indicate when pressed. Within a short time, you should begin to see good progress and eventually, complete success.

Thank you for taking out time to go through this post. I trust you have learnt a thing or two from it. I would love to get feedback from you, please drop your comments, experiences and contributions in the comments box below. Alternatively, you can contact us by filling the contact form on our page. Also watch this space for more posts . Till the, keep smiling and spreading love.

Debs corner.

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