Thursday, 24 November 2016

Apollo season; How to avoid it

Hello beautiful people,
I hope we have all been well. It's so good to be here again. Today's topic is one that has become very frequent in recent times; Conjunctivitis or Apollo as it is commonly referred to in Nigeria. It suddenly seems like it is the season of Apollo as it spreads very fast, especially among children. As a result, it has spread to almost every home that has kids in it. Funny, isn't it? Below  are some tips to avoid contracting the infection, as well as

Friday, 11 November 2016

What you need to know about potty training

Hey everybody,
Its wonderful to be here again, I sure hope we all had a fruitful week. Today's post is centered around potty training your toddler. This is a difficult but necessary phase all parents have to pass through in raising a child. However, if handled properly, it could be relatively easy and fast too. Below are some tips and points to note while preparing

Monday, 7 November 2016

The reality of depression in Nigeria

Hello beautiful people,
Its nice to be here again. I hope you have all had a fruitful week so far. Today's topic is one that every typical Nigerian would rather not talk about; Depression. Mostly, Nigerian see it as a myth, or at best a 'white man's disease'. It is a condition we should all take seriously, as it results in dire consequences when left untreated. Following the economic recession in Nigeria, rising cost of living and the resultant hardship in Nigeria, the rate of suicide has gone up immensely. I strongly believe this could be reduced to a large extent if

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Premarital counselling; mandatory or necessary?

Hello beautiful people,

I hope you have had a wonderful week so far. Today we are looking at premarital counselling; is it merely a mandatory requirement for a church wedding (as observed in our environment today), or is it really a necessary tool for a happy marriage? From my observation of intending couples in Nigeria today, premarital counselling is viewed as just another hurdle placed by the church for them to jump before reaching their goal. This mentality limits their ability to appreciate the importance of the counselling they receive, and its place in their marriage. Sad, isn't it? There are some benefits

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Struggling with secondary infertility? 5 tips for coping.

Hello beautiful people,

Today we are looking at secondary infertility. Just so we are all on the same page, secondary infertility refers to a couple's difficulty in conceiving a baby after having unprotected regular sex for at least a year, having had at least one child before either with each other or different partners. It is easy to heave a sigh of relief when you conceive easily for the first time, thinking all fertility issues are over but that is not always the case.  According to a national survey of family growth listed on, more than a million couples struggle with secondary infertility. 

Image result for sad black couple

This situation can be very frustrating for couples

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Teething in children; What to expect

Image result for teething in children

Parents often wonder at what point their baby's first teeth will begin to sprout. It's really nothing to feel pressured about. Unfortunately, no one can tell precisely when each individual baby will cut his first tooth, please continue reading to have an idea of the general timeline of teething in children.
Although most children get their first tooth around 6 months, your child's chompers may show up ahead of schedule at 3 months or as late as 14 months, contingent upon such factors as when Mom and Dad began growing teeth and whether your baby was born earlier than normal (preemies have a tendency to teethe on the late side). How babies experience teething signs can be different from one another also. Some have teething indications, for example,

Friday, 7 October 2016

Ear infections; Causes, symptoms, management.

How Common Are Ear Infections? 

Last month, my neighbor saw her 8-month-old child pulling on his right ear. That, coupled with his unusual irritability, was enough to be noticed. Is it accurate to say that he was getting teeth? Simply finding his ear? On the other hand could he be able to indicate that he was experiencing an ear infection? He was simply getting over a cold, so she chose to visit her pediatrician's office. The doctor examined his ears. The decision: no ear infection! While she was relieved, the episode got me considering. Do we need to drag our children to the hospital each time they pull at their ears? That seems a bit extreme. In any case, consider the possibility that we are laid back and miss a genuine ear infection. I decided to research and read up on this basic childhood sickness. This is what I discovered.

Weaning your baby? Check this out.

When is your child weaned? 

Your child is seen as weaned when he quits nursing and gets all his sustenance from sources other than breast milk. In spite of the fact that infants are likewise weaned from the bottle, the term for the most part alludes to when an infant quits breastfeeding. 

Weaning doesn't as a matter of course flag the end of the personal bond you and your child have formed through nursing. It just means you're sustaining and supporting him in various ways. 

For instance, on the off chance that you frequently breast fed your child for solace, you'll need to discover different approaches to improve his mood.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

We all have a part to play.

Image result for stop rape

The spate of sexual assault on children in recent times is astounding, to say the least. You can't help but wonder what is wrong with today's world that makes sexual assault on children so rampant. While we may never be able to ascertain the exact cause, we sure can take steps to protect the children in our custody from every such occurrence, bearing in mind that sexual molestation can happen to children of any race, financial status, religion or society. 

Although there is no secure approach to shield youngsters from sexual abuse, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of it happening.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Common courtesy; A lost art?


In these days of high innovation, globalization and quick paced change, is common courtesy as imperative as it used to be? As kids, the vast majority of us were taught to say "please" and "thank you", to regard our elders and to ask graciously when we needed something. 

A fast stroll around a nearby shopping mall will tell you that today, many individuals don't see the quality in or comprehend the idea of basic civility. There is a lot of pushing and pushing, individuals have no reservations about rudely pointing out something that does not suit them, and God help you in the event that you, a more senior individual are searching for a seat in the food court, era Y is not getting up for you! 

Does that mean common courtesy is a relic of past times?